Proposal to ban links
Given everything happening right now, and seeing other sports subs going the same, I’d like to make this proposal.
EDIT: Apropos of nothing, /r/nba just banned them
We can’t control the suits but this is something we can control. Ban em.
Mods can obviously do this most directly, but if everyone downvotes Twitter links going forward that will also pretty much do it.
For me, that Nazi salute was the last straw - I can’t use the products of companies that are directly benefitting someone who would do that, especially at an event of such national importance.
I sold all my Tesla stock the day I saw the dumbass jumping around like an idiot at the trump rally.
Sucks that the richest most influential people in the world are such dumbass losers.
“Sucks that the richest most influential people in the world are such dumbass losers.”
True but also not surprising. Most of us want to live normal and fulfilling lives. It’s the outliers that want to chase money and still wonder why they’re empty. There are good outliers as well of course but not as many Hitchens types and Musk types or Tesla types as Edison types
Remember when shitty rich people would atone for all the evil shit they did by building museums, libraries, and hospitals instead of buying more yachts?
The irony of supporting a sport played predominantly by black people while also supporting the platform of a blatant supremacist and fascist is way to much hypocrisy to ignore. It should have been banned long ago, but there’s no better time than now.
So say we all.
Please do. Make it blue sky. There’s a starter pack out there for celts reporters anyways.
I didn’t know starter packs were a thing, on any platform. Lol
It’s just a list of Celtics related accounts to potentially follow. Nice little blue sky feature.
You can also just choose to follow the whole pack to save you time
Can you link?
Guys remember to like and whatnot. These people give great content it just needs a tiny bit more momentum and we’ll be cooking.
Thank you this is great, I’ve been using BlueSky more and omg my feed sucks lol
Re: momentum - I think you should make a post with the starter pack link telling all of the subreddit to join
This is the one I used
Is Noa on Bluesky?
100%, support this fully.
Fully support this.
Delete the rich.
So ban Facebook too right?
Yes please
Yup. Absolutely. Do it.
Yes please!! Aggravates me to no end clicking on the link to see what the post is referencing and X asking you to sign up to view it.
Fuck that dumpster fire.
👍 👍
Yea, we have a certain reputation to uphold in Boston that aligns with being anti-oligarchical. Let’s move on from twitter.
We should dump some cybertrucks in the harbor or something!
The fish don’t deserve that!
It’s so great witnessing everybody actually getting together to get something done.
Love this sub even more
Please mods
Also, do think the mods need to get involved. Hard to vote with downvotes with highlights / news because mods / subreddit prefer to just use whichever post comes first and that tends to be X.
At minimum think we should do a subreddit poll
Let’s do it
Deactivated my X account today, and my FB account. Fuck those herbs
I see a lot of people complain about the ownership of twitter as a reason for why they agree.
Me personally I also deactivated twitter but it’s because of how insufferable people are on that app.
Everyone is just incredibly toxic and lets out the bottled up anger from their shitty lives out on other people.
You can’t have a single sports discussion without a fan of another team doing everything in their power to discredit anything another team or player does. Everytime a team wins a championship I gotta hear about how they didn’t deserve it on twitter.
Sounds like leaving twitter is a win on multiple counts
im on the verge with facebook too, but im still weighing if i want to dig through ~20ish years worth of memories to download photos and all that. would also need to find a solid alternative to keep up with live music tour announcements.
You don’t need to dig into it, FB will actually give you a zip with all your files. It’s very simple.
You can deactivate your Facebook account or just stop using it. You don’t need to delete everything
before you deactivate, make sure to turn off how they collect and profit from your personal data (which is their biggest source of revenue).
Jesus, that’s horrifying. They’re even tracking non-users…
Hard agree
Please YES
What would Bill Russell do?
Hell yeah
The Boston Celtics are not just for Democrats, sorry.
The fact the left has to politicize every last space is one of the reasons they just lost the last election.
Lots of people come to these spaces to get away from politics and focus on something else.
Leave it to you to destroy the last vestiges of pleasure.
Good news, removing links to a heavily politicized partisan platform run by a major political figure for more apolitical ones is getting away from politics. It would be political to continue to support them.
Easy call.
💯💯 I second in motion
Ban em!
Do it. Can always use alternate links or screenshots .
Do it. Fuck Elon and all those other tech oligarchs.
All for it. At least pre-Elon I could click on the link, read a few comments, and look at a few things before getting prompted to create an account. You can’t even do that now
Goodness, I love this community. If we ban together, we can make changes. Never stop loving and supporting one another to fight evil.
Can we please keep our politics out of sports. The real world is depressing enough. Many of us use these subreddits for an escape.
Twitter is also a terrible website,and there are better alternatives. This is a win win.
I understand the sentiment, and if the sub was riddled with political discussion that would be a shame, but one post proposing to move to an alternative platform for very good reasons is hardly that. Let’s cut the cord and move on.
Twitter is still best for Sports media
Do I love Elon? Not really. Is this another Reddit moment? Yes. “Banning x” from the subreddit is just more performative virtue signaling. This doesn’t move the needle whatsoever.
Well, let’s do something about that.
I vote yes, god yes please
Fuck that nazi shitbag
So many fucking bots today it’s crazy
Lmao what a joke. Twitter is easily the best place for sports discussion. You all will be back on it in a week 😂
You mean twitter? Ya 86 that shit
On board. Do it.
Flush the shit
The obvious moral stance aside, it’s also just a non functional website. If you’re not signed into Twitter on the device you’re using, you cannot interact with a post in any capacity besides what that exact post is. You can’t see replies, you can’t click on what a quote tweet is quoting. It’s a fucking dumpster fire run by (apparently) an actual Nazi. Please ban links from that cesspool.
100% agree
Do it
RIP Weird Celtics Twitter
It’s been ripped since Twitter went away, bluesky is the same damn thing.
it’s been dead a long time. the replies are full of force-fed blue checks with either porn bots or fascism. i never interact with anything on twitter so my algorithm is just “guy who clicks on links about sports”
I couldn’t agree harder. So, so hard.
Absolutely in favor of this
This feels like giving the ball to PP with four seconds left before halftime: a really good idea. I’m in
I second this and would add to focus on utilizing Bluesky over them
Support this.
I left Twitter years ago, so Twitter links are annoying af. Please normalize using something else.
YES. I do not click and never will again click on twitter links.
Yes please. I’m heavily in favor of this and I’d suggest downvoting all X links until an official rule is in place.
100% please
Yes. Deleted my Twitter years ago, never regretted it. Ban links to Twitter.
I’m good with banning anything and everything associated with Adolf Musk
Show me where to sign.
I’m OOTL. Can someone explain the why?
Elon popping sieg heil salutes yesterday
Well Elon musk is a grifter and his wealth is mostly built of his family’s emerald mine in apartheid South Africa but I believe OP is specifically referring to the fact he performed a nazi salute (twice) during a speech at Trump’s inauguration
I won’t click on any x links just to reinforce this, but yes fully support
Testosterone has left this subreddit 😂
It’s always funny when boys who choose to simp and submit to a bunch of dusty old sex offenders try to lecture anyone else on masculinity. Especially when it’s for standing on values and refusing to capitulate. You’ve completely lost the plot.
100% do it.
1000% full support
Absolutely agree!
100%. Without question.
Let’s do it!
Blue sky has a very good Celtics community. Richard White is a regular poster.
Been hoping for this a while because I refuse to make an account to access the content. I’m glad to see so many others agree!
No matter how you feel About current events, one thing is clear: X is a shit show on mobile browsers when you aren’t logged in.
Do it.
I cast my vote. Fuck X.
I find it funny that across all of /all it’s mostly the sports subs that I’m seeing this come up on. There’s an AksReddit post asking about a site wide ban, but this seems to be in every sports sub I’ve come across today.
/r/law has offered assistance to other groups in setting it up as they already have had one for some time now.
Howdy! I’m visiting subs that are discussing the ban of links to Twitter, presently X, and reaching out to those who still use Old Reddit ( If you’re using the RES extension, you can filter posts that link to certain domains. This means that any sub that doesn’t enact a ban will still be filtered from your results. To do this:
Some domains I recommend are:
(remove the spaces; automods on some subreddits are deleting the comment due to now-banned domains)
Hard agree.
Yes. Please do.
Can someone give context? Thanks!
Elon musk straight up did the Hitler salute twice
Bruh I thought u were tripping til i look it up on YouTube. Jeeeez
Gotta do it.
Agree, 100% down
This is the weakest shit i’ve ever seen. Bunch of grown men acting like children America is DOOMED
Yes please!!! No more twitter links!!
No. Twitter is the fastest way to get news, and we’re basically here for Celtics news.
“we need to ban Twitter because I hate Elon!” he said, from is iPhone that was built by Asian slave children
This conversation is lame as fuck. Get over yourselves
This all makes me feel good about deleting my twitter account a few months ago
Heck yea
Yes 100%
Fuck Nazi scum
I’m fully on board. Mods, do it
No. There are too many reporters that are still on Twitter that aren’t elsewhere. To ban Twitter would be shorts sighted.
Absolutely. Plenty of other ways to post info.
Yes. I hate Elon.
No, bc I’m a sports fan and not a libtard
here here.
Blue sky is too much trump and I don’t even like trump . Surrounding yourself with negativity ain’t it
which is exactly why politics have no room in these subreddits
Most reasonable person ive seen all day. Fuck politics in a sports subreddit. Its not what its for. They can use literally any other subreddit for that shit these days
Yeah - it changes nothing for me cause I don’t click them anyway but maybe it will help people shift from posting links there to elsewhere.
Appreciate pro active action of sub. Yes, mods, please!
Anything related to Musk should be banned
You’re a hero!
Couldn’t agree more:)
Should have been done a long time ago
Don’t because then they’ll buy Reddit.
Letss gooo!
7 swing states babyyyy
Throw the Tweets in the harbor!
Yes, Fuck X, Fuck Elmo
Yeah, ban it. To hell with twitter
100%. This, please, mods!
100% supported
Ban away!
Do it already!
Yes. Ruin X.
Fuck yea, let’s do it. X sucks anyway