Should r/nba ban twitter links
I saw hockey and other sports sub petitioning to ban twitter links, should r/nba consider this? Personally i think the links are mostly useless anyway and i dont feel like supporting a fascist in any way
I support banning any post that requires a login.
Yup. Either screenshot it or don’t post it.
Screenshot but post the source link in the comment. But the main post should be accessible to all.
Vids require reuploading which is annoying, but still less annoying than forcing account login or creation
Yeah it’s ridiculous. We should all downvote any twitter link we see posted.
But not just because Twitter sucks.
The top voted comment in a lot of these subs talking about banning X is:
‘lets do it because X sucks.’ or ‘lets do it because we have to log in to give them our info and have an account. Only screenshots from X should be allowed.’
Why the fuck isn’t everyone pointing more to the Nazi symbolism. Too many people are tip-toeing around it imo
Normalization is the first step.
I agree with you. But genuinely, the website sucks.
We can’t post images on this sub, it has to be a link
a link to a site that doesn’t require a login.
Mods just need to enable that feature.
Yeah this is the real argument. At this point, twitter links are incredibly annoying. Can’t follow threads at all.
The worst is people posting like the 3rd reply by some reporter that is just some sentence and having no way of seeing any of the context of what they’ve said or are replying to
It’s ridiculous. And when you try to view profiles they only show tweets from 2020, unless you’re logged in
I don’t think we’d be banning them because they are annoying. We’d do it because the owner is a nazi and we don’t support nazis.
Yeah politics aside, twitter links create a really crappy user experience for this subreddit. We predominately share and promote links that force us to leave the app or webpage. The experience is better when on desktop but it still forces slightly different interactions because of Twitter.
One could argue that this is the case for the vast majority of Reddit, but /r/nba is so predominately made up of ONLY twitter posts that it’s overwhelming. Not to mention, this is probably the main reason why so many people think /r/nba is no different than NBA twitter. It’s because this subreddit is nothing but tweets.
Yep, ban instagram links too, etc. I very intentionally do not have a twitter, instagram, tiktok, etc. and it’s annoying getting linked to a reply(?) or some twitter post but having no way to view the context. It’s terrible from an experience perspective.
Fuckin AMEN
Are you Ausar A-Sure?
should apply to paywalled articles too
edit: post the article in the comments like others do
Fuck Twitter and Elon Musk, but twitter should have been banned as soon as logins were required regardless of politics.
ooohhh I like this. totally agree, if there is a paywall too. The content should be accessible here
That and the site owner saluting Hitler multiple times on television are two big strikes against the site.
Yes, and I’ll add that the majority of good NBA reporters are on bluesky. Shams isn’t but there is a shamsbot account that reposts his stuff.
A year ago bluesky wasn’t a viable alternative for NBA news or chatter. It’s much better now. And the more people switch to it, the more the momentum will grow and become self-reinforcing.
Does bluesky verify now? I jumped on it early, but almost immediately one of the local beat writersvlet everyone know it was not him that others had followed.
I don’t think it’s widely adopted yet but you can basically use your own domain to verify yourself. By default your user ID is like <handle> but you can change that to be <handle> if you control the domain. This is mostly a thing for nerds atm but is expected to be used for journalists too.
Yes 🙌
They are useless. Embed the video or gtfo.
Exactly. I’ve hated twitters video UI for forever too. Even before Musk turned it into a cesspool, videos take forever to load and, when they finally do, half the time they’re 360p. Awful
This is the biggest issue for me. Twitters videos are always shitty quality.
I hate Elon but I thought increasing video quality was the one good thing he would end up doing to the site, since he wanted content creators like Mr. Beast to use X as a video hosting platform.
Of course he couldn’t even do that.
Sadly that’s always been an issue. Nothing is more infuriating than watching a 16 second clip on Twitter. You can’t choose the quality, and the first like 7 seconds load in 140p, even AFTER the whole video plays. It ruins so many highlights.
Thank you. My gripe is not with Twitter, I don’t give a damn. I just don’t feel like opening a link to another website to watch the clip if we can embed the videos on this website.
Most people don’t care as long as they can get their Twitter fix and sports news. Apathy until it affects me, the American way.
You didn’t have to say you don’t give a damn about Nazi salutes, your flair says it for you.
I think we should ban streamable links too. That website deletes them pretty quickly. If we don’t click on them in the first 5 to 30 minutes we won’t see them.
Never had any issue with that site and I’m watching all the links next day in the morning (EU timezone). Even with a little bit older ones I never have any issues.
Actually that’s the site that is easiest to use for me.
Yeah, I dunno what the heck he’s talking about here. Maybe the team he follows specifically?
im down to contribute to the death of twitter
r/nba not allowing X/Twitter links would be a major incentive for NBA reporters and content creators to make sure they also post on alternatice websites like BlueSky. I 100% support this idea
the nba world does not revolve around r/nba
Edit: I’d like to ask - do we know how many of the ~15M are not bots (I have no idea)?
- how many “real” users are active (including lurkers)?
- how biased/unbiased is reddit really (politics aside, but also just like politics the average user here is not the average NBA viewer)?
- and dare I ask what the sub has considered doing with regards to LeBron (China), Kobe (obvious), your favorite team owner’s politics, anything else to do with China (players/teams/ the league itself)? … tbf the non-stars get fair treatment in this regard (eg. Bridges/Porter) and so do Malone, a select few team owners
I work in an adjacent industry. I assure you 90% of NBA writers and about 70% of NBA staffers lurk or post here
Yeah people don’t realize how valuable this and team subs can be for information and judgement. It’s much less biased and crap than most other social media platforms. I think it’s the anonymity aspect. There’s no popularity contest like tik tok or insta
It’s the same for all sports and even news. Most sites rely on the additional traffic that flows through the link aggregator that is Reddit. If they aren’t getting the traffic from Reddit -> Twitter -> their site, they are literally forced to switch that central link in the chain to something else.
Daily talking points on almost every nba podcast are pulled from here. 14m fans talking exclusively about your league in an easily digestible format. Has much more sway than some people here realize, especially when the entire nba economy is built on engagement.
14 million. Man, I miss the early days of r/NBA when I knew a lot of posters just by username. It was a lot more insular. Discussion was a lot more fluid too. I think what I actually miss are old school forums that had a tiny userbase from the mid 00s.
No but it’s a pretty big planet
It’s more of a large moon, it affects the tides
The world doesn’t, but reporters are incentivized to reach the largest audience possible. If they know their content won’t reach a large segment of the sports consuming population without being on something other than Twitter, they’ll post more frequently on other platforms.
There’s almost 15 million users, lets not pretend this is a small time sub with no influence
This reddit has 15m subscribers, it’s probably the biggest online congregation of NBA fans at this point outside of twitter. This isn’t 2010 no one’s posting on the realgm forums anymore.
It doesn’t but this sub has a huge influence on the NBA world. Sports books literally shut down betting on DPOY for a day or two last year because of a post in this subreddit about JJJ
Yeah, looks like majority of /r/NBA wants this. At minimum we should have a subreddit poll / vote
Voting with downvotes doesn’t work for highlights / news because mods / subreddit prefer to just use whichever post comes first and that tends to be X.
finally i agree with a celtics fan
Removing twitter uniting Celtics, knicks and heat fans. Gotta get some Mavs/spurs/lakers fans to agree and I think we’ll create a singularity
I’ll walk hand in hand with a Jazz fan for this
Take my hand.
Just a reminder folks, BlueSky links have always been allowed on r/nba.
That wasn’t the question.
It wasn’t an answer just a reminder
if you dont wanna use twitter be the change you wanna see about it. There’s a reason nobody ever tries a bluesky link
Why is that?
We should be banning streamable links since the delete every video within about 5 minutes.
Copyright strike removals can happen on any streaming site
This copyrighted broadcast of the National Basketball Association may not be retransmitted, reproduced, rebroadcast, or otherwise distributed or used in any form without the express written consent of the NBA.
There’s a really good one that the soccer sub uses that never takes down
Appreciate the reminder but I think this is more to do with stopping all the twitter links, although that will start happening more and more as Twitter requires anyone clicking a link to have an account to view the content
I mean there’s also the alternative of using direct sites like etc
I support it
I don’t know if all/most of the NBA reporters have blue sky account
BTW links are allowed on r/nba, it’s just people don’t post them
Most of them do by now yes.
It would be very simple / painless to just ask users to use those links vs. Twitter’s garbage
Even not thinking about the political or moral reasons, BlueSky links are just much better for users. The site actually loads what you click on and there aren’t annoying pop ups begging you to join the site
Agreed. Twitter is awful to link to now.
blue.key doesn’t require login to view threads and replies so it’s infinitely better for the content consumers.
Is Bluesky any good yet? I made an account a month ago but it was still very “I’m here cause I hate Elon Musk.” Which is fair but also not the topic I want to browse an app
Yes. Screenshot? Fine with it. But Twitter wants me to login and I’m not giving Twitter any account data at all.
Edit: to clarify,Twitter is owned by a Nazi and should be outright banned. That said, many accounts still exclusively post there. We could shitpost till they move to Bluesky or somewhere else, but that’s not my choice.
I say we ban twitter for good
I’d prefer this.
Twitter has become useless for basketball anyway. Centel posting with verified checks and people just farming garbage and actual reporters not even showing up in the feed.
Shouldn’t even allow screenshots, it’s a website run by an open Nazi.
Yo mods ban nazi propaganda. Thanks.
What did Harden do this time?
Step Back on human rights
Ban all of them.
Sub was a much much better place when it was just highlights over and over again as opposed to a Twitter link.
Bluesky doesn’t solve that
A bunch of unsourced headlines won’t be good either
Even from legitimate media personalities its still vague “sources tell me” and not verifiable facts, its just gossip anyways just from people we see on TV
Hard agree. Highlights, embedded videos with full context and text posts. Should be all that allowed here.
what happened anyway? this sub barely gets highlights anymore. are ppl just getting lazy or what
Just shooting from the hip but a lot of videos are dead within minutes here, I guess they get DMCA striked pretty fast. Depends on what the host is though.
there are lots of highlights between 8pm-12pm EST but you have to sort by new. They don’t really get enough votes to stay on hot
Yes! R/law did long ago
Beyond the politics, Twitter links just suck from a user experience perspective. The links don’t preview well and I refuse to make an account just to see tweets. Bluesky is better on both fronts.
But also the politics.
Lotta norm McDonald joke style comments in here a la the worst part of Cosby was the hypocrisy.
Nah fuck the user experience, the worst part of twitter is the Nazi owner
Exactly. I don’t give a shit about how annoying it is to sign into an account or anything. I want to give the billionaire nazi’s website zero clicks from this sub, or as close to it as we can, BECAUSE he’s a piece of fucking shit Nazi.
Hey mods, remember the last time you had a poll and completely disregarded the outcome because it didn’t agree with your opinion with regards to third party apps that 99% of users couldn’t care less about?
And then you proceeded to shut down the sub during the NBA finals but keep it open for your mates?
The comments suggest the majority of people actually want a change this time.
Don’t go full neckbeard again, please, and actually listen to what people are suggesting.
They had a poll last time too. It was overwhelmingly pro blackout.
The poll was overwhelmingly in favor of the blackout lol, the danger with these types of things is that there is a very large, silent group of users who won’t even see this post (despite it being at the top of the subreddit all day now) and we have no clue what their view on this is. The people responding to this are the ones who are plugged into this news and want to see it happen, for the most part.
I’m pro ban because twitter is annoying as shit to deal with if you don’t have a twitter account, but it’s not gonna be that easy.
Do it.
No. I don’t care about politics, I’m just want hoop information as quick as possible.
Then you should just join Twitter or BlueSky, follow the reporters directly. Reddit is already a secondary site slowing your news intake
no its a link aggregator, its a useful product. this will make it less useful!
Absolutely ban them. Never use twitter anyway, not since you had to login. Now I won’t use it because fuck nazis.
Fuck nazis
No. Reddit is already an echo chamber lets not double down on it
Also NBA isn’t about politics which has invaded every aspect of our lives over the last decade. Lets not keep pushing that too.
EDIT: Says a lot the post is upvoted by a decent amount and majority of the comments disagree. The loudest a lot of times are the issue.
I know, fuck. Can’t go to any sub anymore without this circle jerk AI bot political shit anymore.
Fucking annoying, I came here for NBA bullshit, not this fucking whiny garbage every morning.
Lmao “its not political, thats why we should keep posting links to this highly politicized app”.
Twitter is one of the main sources of instant/breaking news.
You disliking its politicization, direction, or owner doesn’t change that.
Politics effect every part of your life whether you like it or not
Yes. Fuck Elon in every way shape or form. Sports twitter was killed because of him, so it’s about damn time to actually let it die.
No. Most of the content on this sub comes from X and banning it is just stupid
Exactly. Plus this looks like a bot post/narrative. So many bots on here trying to drive this. Hopefully mods have some sense.
That “content” is just headlines we can find anywhere else
“we could find somewhere else” BlueSky links have been allowed since the start, it’s just no one fucking uses it lmao.
Banning X links is dumb when everyone who’s complaining could just contribute themselves by posting non-C links
Yes, I don’t support Nazis.
Of course. You can only see the tweet itself without an account. Just post the screen shots
This is what its really about. Twitter is unusable now for posting elsewhere.
There’s a fairly large chasm between standard evils of capitalism and Nazism
We get it you’re very smart but that wasn’t the question.
LOL Dead on. I can’t imagine living my life thru the prism of politics and being angry about everything all the time. If I actually truthfully analyzed all my experiences based on agreeing with actions or opinions of companies or people, I’d be unemployed living off the grid like a hermit. I certainly wouldn’t be supporting any sports teams. People really think their teams owners are any better people than Elon?
Is Reddit the world’s biggest echo chamber? You guys lost, let’s just focus on hoops yeah?
Reddit is an alternate reality.
Please do it. Everyone needs to have some level of support against these fascist leaders. Some form of protest is better than not voting in your country’s election.
I have been calling for this for years and have been down voted into oblivion. Twitter even got significantly worse when Elon bought it and made it X. It should have been banned a long time ago.
Nah. Find other ways to make a difference if you care that much. Nobody gives a shit and it makes no difference. Making r/nba worse isn’t going to stop Trump from being president. Boycotting Twitter isn’t going to make Elon Musk less wealthy.
Yes ban that shit
I can’t believe you guys are still trying the “everyone I don’t like is a Nazi” routine after 10 years now.
Watching all these bots trying to get business to Blue Sky is funny. Clearly not real people
Right lmao weird how all the sudden every major sports subreddit has this same post pop up within the last three hours. Totally organic and not nefarious at all
The owner of Twitter did three Nazi salutes yesterday.
Insane we even need to think about this.
(But my answer is “yes”.)
I saw a headline about that yesterday and immediately said “I’m sure he didn’t do a Nazi salute. This HAS to be sensationalized.” I watched a video and, lo and behold, he did an undeniable Nazi salute 3 freaking times!
It’s easy for me to say because I’ve never used Twitter, but we have crossed well past the point where users are complicit.
No. Get a life.
This is the left propaganda my friend. Most of these are bots.
I think yes
Politics aside it’s horrible for anyone who doesn’t have an account
r/nba mods when they get to do another poll to make the sub worse
Most NBA traffic goes through X.
As if banning Twitter links while the NBA is supporting China for money reasons isn’t ironic, in a way.
Is every sports sub gonna be flooded with this same post today?
Yes, and the reddit hivemind will all be for it, predictably.
Apparently. Fucking annoying.
Reminds me of the failed Reddit protests about the API apps shutting down. We’ll see if these subs can keep it up for longer than even a week lol
And here comes another sub circlejerk…
It’s so fucking stupid.
God this is gonna be a pathetically hilarious 4 years
The tantrums in the replies have shockingly proven my point even more
Ban twitter 100% yes its garbage. We dont need it at all.
Make the journalist post on reddit.
Yes fuck nazis
Yes, fuck Elon
Removing Twitter links could clean up the sub and reduce reliance on questionable sources. Might be worth a trial run.
Absolutely. Do it.
Yes. Twitter is essentially useless you have an account/are logged in. There’s much better options available now.
Yes. Ban twitter links.
Twitter is often just hot takes snd made up rumors and no factual reporting. Plus you gotta have an account and login to see anything
Wait, people genuinely think Elon is a Nazi?
🙄 good god, lmao. Just lmfao
the best part used to be that you could read the comments or the thread if you clicked the link. its not even worth the time to click it anymore
I will never click a Twitter link so it’s in my best interest because I’ll get to see more content. Ban TwittX links please.
Elon is not a fascist lol
Also stop throwing politics into sports
Reddit brainrot in all subs.
Yes. Fuck the fascist.
Why do we need to ban it? Just don’t vote it up if you don’t like it.
no, how do people on reddit not realize how much they play into every stereotype about redditors.
outright bans on anything is dumb
I completely support this.
This is so silly.
Banning Twitter isn’t going to make a tangible difference to Twitter but will make browsing this subreddit actively worse for the people who use it.
So basically harming the user and the person you’re sticking it to won’t ever notice.
I’m down. Even setting aside the whole “owned by a Nazi” aspect, Bluesky actually shows the post you want to see without requiring a log-in or blasting you with ads.
Banning politics from sports subs would be amazing. Sports are our refuge.
That policy would be great.
And if it doesn’t, users who support the ban should do what they can and downvote Twitter links en masse.