Joe Mazzulla: “I’m actually more excited at this juncture in the season than I was at the beginning.”
Nothing about being baffled that Holiday didn’t just go up with a lay up to go up 5 and end the game?
I thought I was losing my mind. I was going ballistic when he passed out of that layup but drew and scal didn’t even mention it. I thought I imagined it
I’m in the same boat. I lost my head and screamed the house down when he didn’t take the points and decided to turn it over instead. Then they lost the game because of it. Absolutely fucking piss poor
Really? To me it looked like he was about to get his shit sent into the stands so he pulled it out (then made a dumbass pass)
Of course not. A good coach knows he’d be throwing his own veteran player under the bus, if he were to point this out in front of the media. The NBA head coaching job is about managing egos as much as it is about game management.
Anyone got a highlight of this?
To be fair, Holiday is pretty terrible around the rim. I can understand why he didn’t.
This could not be further from the truth
Fuck you guys I love Mazzulla quotes
Yeah fr lol we won a title less than a year ago with this man, I trust him with my life
Also it’s January. We’re still 2nd in the east. It’s fine.
The goofy ass quotes are gonna be a bad look if we falter during the playoffs
I think they do way more to help than hurt. We’re not slumping because of the quotes and confidence is a good way to end the bad streak. And he’s earned the trust to say shit like this
He’s earned the right to say what he wants. His system has been proven to work before and we know he can successfully lead this team to a ring
He already won a chip, he’s fine
Guess we just will have to not falter then!
this isn’t goofy. some of us prefer the hard road.
I prefer winning lol I don’t care if it’s hard or not
I get bored winning too much. This shit fuels me. I fucking love our coach, and Tatum fighting over the ball. This will keep me going till playoffs at least. #GO CELTICS
Uhhh bud you aren’t on the team. We don’t need you fueled up.
I need that fuel ☘️☘️☘️☘️❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥 also, “YoU aReNt On ThE tEaM”
I mean… that isn’t some meme, you actually aren’t on the team, lol
And also, without any challenges, you end up with the 73 win Warriors
nobody wants to be KD and Curry
Plus they lost in the finals obviously
Buncha losers trying to roast you, I agree
Thank u bro 🙏
So true. Mazulla is making it up as he goes. Hehas 5 years as a head coach including 2 at Fairmont state. Hes also not super bright.
*when. This team is broken
Team is performing like a 4-1 first round exit right now.
*4-2. We lose game 1, talk a big game afterwards, win game 2. Then go on the road and lose both. Talk a big game again before a blowout game 5 win and then get smoked on the road in game 6. This team is flat out bad
Fans are such fickle people
I actually wanted to go to haunted house more than I wanted to go to club aqua
There was a spike in your heart rate last night. Were you at Aqua?
i was jacking off.
I think we play good teams well (besides that half against okc) My honest opinion is that Joe is using the time between the nba cup break and all star break when we play bad teams as pure experiment time. But I also don’t know why if this is the strategy why you don’t play X instead of Queta they are both equally bad
Our guy a dawg I love it
Joe I don’t care that you are excited by this, this isn’t fun to watch when you’ve got a team that has championship aspirations and consistently loses to teams that are inferior to you.
JVG and Charles Lee aren’t walking through that door.
Wyc better be leaning on Brad to figure something out.
Jvg didn’t do anything he said so himself lol
I’m sure Wyc is more worried about who’s buying the team
Whoever buys the team knows they’re going to be rebuilding in 2028. They’re not buying the 2024 Champions; they’re buying the front office. So that’s what is on the line here to keep the valuation up.
New ownership ain’t paying that tax bill coming. Rebuild will be happening sooner then you thinkn
It’s my understanding that the reason for the delay to 2028 for new ownership to take over was because of the extended player contracts.
Delay of what? Sale is going in 2 parts 2025 and 2028
New owners aren’t fully taking over in 2025. Wyc is still managing through 2028.
And he definitely isn’t paying that huge tax bill so my originally point stands.
At this point i’m convinced the team really is experimenting with it’s players and is likely going to make a (huge) move before the deadline.
No chance
We can’t make a huge move under the new cap constraints, because we can’t aggregate salaries or bring in more salary than we send out. Unless traded one of our core 7, there’s not likely to be a massive trade in the works
They won already so they’re fucking around now, and Joe’s got full intention of going with what we already know wins when it matters? Sure I can fuck with this idea
Me too. I’m super excited about this loss.
This shtick is tired now.
Now that we’re not one of the winniest teams in nba history?
Tired of this shtick. Get the team in shape that’s your job
Just like Bill Belichecks demeanor and quotable pressers, these get old and don’t hit the same when there is no execution and repeated stupid mistakes costing us games
The team doesnt feel as excited as you, Joe, you gotta make them
This attitude is getting tiring. Do something about it Joe. You’re the coach. Stop saying you’re “excited” every time something goes south. Coach!
If I understand what he’s saying, and I probably don’t, I think he’s saying that he’s glad we’re running into these problems now so we can iron them out before the playoffs. You want to fix unknown problems early and not find out about them when everything is on the line. Regular season games allow coaches to try new things and see whether they work or not.
Either that or Joe is a psycho and just enjoys the pain. It’s one of those I’m sure.
This kind of talk is getting old.
Psycho Joe is super fun when the team is winning. When you’re giving away free games to the Hawks at home, maybe tone down the bullshit contrarianism.
Sit Horford and Porzingis, brilliant strategy. Next game sit Tatum and Brown. That would be exciting too.
Joe’s a masochist
I like Joe. but at this time he is probably the only guy enjoying the moment. I’d rather like Joe being sad, because we win and everybody else being happy.
Cause he’s a fucking sicko. He’s like Brad Pitt in snatch. Likes to get a beat up a bit to warm up the muscles
Well then he’s dumb
Alright thanks for the Mazullaism. I think Joe knows that we must at least make an ECF this year or it will be considered a failure and if we limp into the playoffs and lose early it will be partially at his feet.
We are nowhere close to being .500?
Counterpoint: now is when we find out if he was right all along or not
Yeah that’s what I’m waiting on. Are these whacky Mazzulla-isms actually effective or were the Celtics just that good last year?
How is this upvoted we are fuckin 29-13 💀
Drug test him.
This dude has 0 answers or adjustments
Go rewatch the playoffs last year if you think this is true. We had serious adjustments after every single loss
You do not understand the sport.
The gimmick isn’t funny anymore Joe. We are bad
He is a genius did you miss last playoff when we beat healthy super team?
Bro your team is underperforming and your are excusing this performance. You are part of the problem
I don’t think he’s excusing anything, what he tells the team is different than the media.
He should be taking accountability for a trash coaching performance that lost the game. Not making stupid quotes
You’re getting caught up in media quotes. He has before and he does with his players —- they’ve said the same before.
You see this? This is why this team is struggling. Losing these bad games. Joe is benefiting from a good team but he is not using it. It worked last year but he gotta adapt that things aren’t gonna happen twice
Joe thinks adversity will ultimately help this team in the end. I’m not so sure about that. You are letting teams gain confidence against you.
i mean, is experience with adversity not a good thing for this team? and is it not good to let other teams get overconfident against us?
When is he gonna drop this quirk and actually coach a complete game
that’s baseball 🤣
Seriously. Awful coaching that cost us the game. Would rather hear some accountability then stupid fucking quotes
Stfu Bozo Joe feel like the team is getting sick of him and his weird vibes and they tuning him out